I am a thirty something Biology student, mother of 3 active, ball playing children, and proud owner of a recently launched e-commerce store RetroReclaimations.com Blogging has been a fantasy of mine for a long, long time so I am ecstatic to start this newest adventure! My store is an off shoot of my passion for collecting vintage glass and dinnerware. My collection of Pyrex, Fire-King, & Hazel Atlas now includes Libbey Glassware, Indiana Glass Co., Federal Glass, etc. The store is the only means that allows me to part with all of my awesome finds. I have come to understand that the stories, the history of vintage items, are just as much a part of my collection as the glass itself. It is for this reason you are reading my RetroRewindBlog. Here I will share the stories and histories of the items I am offering others to buy. So please, for whatever reason you are here, visit my store, browse around, & let me know what you think…

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